Monday, October 3, 2011

When You say, "Go"

 "The only thing in life that is constant is change." How many times have we all heard that statement? Perhaps it has been overused, but is still so true. I have a love-hate relationship with change. I love the excitement of dreaming about new places, experiences, etc., but when it comes right down to the doing, I can be overwhelmed and might even be guilty of digging in my heels in an attempt to slow it down or bring it to a halt altogether. Something in me likes routine, dependability,  sameness. Ahhhh...yes, even lingering on those words brings a certain sense of comfort.

Anyone else out there like me? Cozy in your comfort zone, talking a big talk, but never intending to seize opportunities for challenge and growth? Okay, maybe I have exaggerated. My point is this: if the disciples had all stayed in their comfort zones, would there have been a first century church? Well, I'm sure the answer is yes,  but those guys would have missed out on what God had planned for them. Imagine Paul not "getting it" after being struck blind; what if he ignored the call of the Lord and instead decided to remain a Pharisaical bully/enforcer...or if Peter and Andrew had not responded to Jesus' invitation to "Come follow Me and I will make you fishers of men"? What if Matthew, known also as Levi, would have clung to his familiar life as a tax collector, unpopular as he was, and remained in his booth after encounter with the Christ?

Honestly, the lightning fast reflex of the disciples, many of whom heard the words, "Come, follow Me," to just drop everything, leaving all they were working at when called, say nothing to friends or family, pack no bag, lock no door, make no attempt to delay or put off...oh, Lord, let my response to You be just as quick and complete!

Many changes are upon my family. An occupational change for my husband, location change, school change for our son, who will be transitioning from high school to college; and in the midst of all this we will be saying goodbye to friends and a church that have been like our family here in Georgia for the past 10 years. "How will we be able to do it?" I ask myself sometimes, but I know the answer. Jesus has called us and we must respond. He has said, "Go" and we will go.

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